February 16, 2025 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (27:46)
"Over A Cup Of Cool Water" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "There Is A Redeemer"
February 9 2025 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:28)
"When It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I Am Lord"
January 19, 2025 -
15-Minute (14:49) -
30-Minute (27:32)
"It Always Sounds
Good" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Because He Lives"
January 12 2025 -
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (27:27)
"Get Up, Don't Be Afraid"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 17: 1-8
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Surely The Presence Of The Lord Is
In This Place"
January 5, 2025 -
15-Minute (14:49) -
30-Minute (27:32)
"Trading A Throne
For A Cross" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 3: 13-17
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
December 29 2024 -
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (27:27)
"Christmas Is Not A Season"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 13-15
Music of A Lovely Christmas Carol "Carol Of The Bells"
November 24, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:40)
"What Matters Most"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 10: 17-22
Music of Joyful Praise "He Who Began A Good Work In You"
November 17, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:37)
"Do Not Hinder Them" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 10: 13-16
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I've Been Changed"
November 10, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (29:14)
"Light Always Shine
In Darkness" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 14-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "All Hail King Jesus"
November 3, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (29:15)
"A Sacred Place" by
Reverend John Wolfe
John 2: 13-22
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "How Great Thou Art"
September 29 2024 -
15-Minute (14:30) -
30-Minute (27:34)
"Hearing And
Believing" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 25-31
Music of Richard Blanchard "Everyone Is Precious To The Lord"
September 22, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (28:16)
"What Is Great and What Is
Little" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 10-13
Music of Contemporary Praise "Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God"
June 23, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:42)
"Don't Answer Too
Quickly" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 8: 27-37
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "People Need The Lord"
June 16, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:49)
"It's Easy To Miss The
Point" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 7: 24-37
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Yes, Lord, Yes"
May 26, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:24) -
30-Minute (28:07)
"Is There Anything
Better" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
May 19, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:33) -
30-Minute (27:31)
"The Purpose Of The Law" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 13: 10-17
Music of Contemporary Praise "Thy Loving Kindness"
May 12, 2024 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:21)
"Come See Sometime"
by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 51-58
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I Saw The Light"
May 5, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:54)
"Life Has A Center" by
Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 35, 41-51
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made"
April 28, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:18) -
30-Minute (28:00)
"Nail Prints and Hot
Chocolate" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of Don Marsh "Sure The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place"
April 21, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:48)
"Who Is My Neighbor" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 25-37
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary For You"
April 14, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:49) -
30-Minute (27:49)
"Nail Prints and Hot
Chocolate" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of Don Marsh "Sure The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place"
April 7, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (26:59)
"His Abiding Presence" by
Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 9-17
Music of Greg Nelson "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
March 3, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (28:58)
"Living In The
Kingdom" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 5: 1-12
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
February 25, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:43)
"Ask Everyone You Meet" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 12-23
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "I Will Enter His Gates"
February 18, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:59)
"Too Busy To Notice"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 22: 1-14
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"
February 11, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:24)
"In The Face Of Truth" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 21: 33-46
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Hosanna"
February 4, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:31)
"How To Understand
The Story" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 41-44
Music of Don Marsh "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
January 28, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:46) -
30-Minute (27:51)
"How To Answer Tough
Questions" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 28-34
Music of The Acappella Singers "All Hair The Power Of Jesus Name"
January 21, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:43) -
30-Minute (28:46)
"Ready Almost Too
Late" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of A Praise Song "We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise"
January 14, 2024 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:19)
"The Weight Of Faith Is Not
Heavy" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 23: 1-12
Music of Frank Boggs "In God We Trust"
December 24, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:37) -
30-Minute (29:19)
"A Story About God"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 1: 18-25
Music of Ralph Carmichael "Over In Bethlehem"
December 17, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:38)
"What Do You See" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 11: 2-11
Music of A Haven of Rest Quartet "A Great And Mighty Wonder"
December 10, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (27:17)
"The Leper's Squint"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1:40-45
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Praise The Name Of Jesus"
December 3, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:25)
"Learning To Hear" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 32-39
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
November 12, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:40)
"It's Worth The
Price" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 21-26
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Rise Up Oh Men Of God"
November 5, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:33) -
30-Minute (29:14)
"What's Better For The
Team" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 13-20
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "He Who Began A Good Work In You"
October 29, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:40)
"What Matters Most"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 10: 17-22
Music of Joyful Praise "He Who Began A Good Work In You"
October 22, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:37)
"Do Not Hinder Them" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 10: 13-16
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I've Been Changed"
September 17, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:34) -
30-Minute (28:35)
"When Faith Doesn't
Grow" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 2: 1-5
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lead Me Lord, I Will Follow"
September 10, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:54)
"The Ground Of Faith Is
Level" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 20: 1-16
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say
September 3, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:34) -
30-Minute (28:35)
"How To Be Rich, And
Know The Difference" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 12: 13-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
August 27, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:54)
"Don't Give Up" by Reverend
John Wolfe
Luke 11: 1-13
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Shine Jesus Shine"
August 20, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (27:43)
"Simple Decisions
Are The Hardest" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 13-21
Music of Contemporary Praise "How Majestic Is Your Name"
August 13, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:17) -
30-Minute (27:54)
"A Little Will Do" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 31-33
Music of Jimmy Bass "The Train Medley"
August 6, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:27)
"Simple Decisions
Are The Hardest" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 13-21
Music of Contemporary Praise "How Majestic Is Your Name"
July 30, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (27:22)
"A Little Will Do" by
Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 31-33
Music of Jimmy Bass "The Train Medley"
July 9, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:36)
"Watching The Wrong
Hand" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 15: 10-20
Music of Contemporary Praise "Something Beautiful"
July 2, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:50) -
30-Minute (27:31)
"Fear and Faith Are
Friends" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 22-33
Music of Contemporary Praise "People Need The Lord"
June 11, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (26:53)
"When Doubt Helps"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 28: 16-20
Music of Contemporary Praise "In My Life Lord Be Glorified"
June 4, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:48) -
30-Minute (28:19)
"One In The Spirit" by
Reverend John Wolfe
John 7: 37-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh How He Loves You And Me"
May 14, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:49) -
30-Minute (28:13)
"Trying Not To Be
Anxious" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 4: 4-7
Music of The Maranatha Singers "Open Our Eyes Lord"
May 7 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (28:17)
"Forgetting What Is Past"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 3: 12-14
Music of A Biblical Song Of Praise "Seek Ye First"
April 2, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:32)
Answer To Prayer" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 22: 39-46
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh How He Loves You And Me"
2023 -
15-Minute (14:0059) -
30-Minute (29:17)
Always Shine In Darkness" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 14-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "All Hail King Jesus"
February 5, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (27:45)
A Cup Of Cool Water" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "There Is A Redeemer"
January 29, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:28)
It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I Am Lord"
January 8, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:25)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "Yes Lord Yes"
January 1, 2023 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (27:32)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
December 25, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (27:18)
Is Not A Season" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 13-15
Music of A Lovely Christmas Carol "Carol Of The Bells"
December 18, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:03)
"It Was
For The Whole World" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 3: 1-6
Music of The Gaither Children's Choir "Jesus Gives Me A Song"
September 4, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (28:08)
Always Sounds Good" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Because He Lives"
August 28, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:45) -
30-Minute (28:43)
Up, Don't Be Afraid" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 17: 1-8
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Surely The Presence Of The Lord Is
In This Place"
July 24, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (27:03)
To Understand The Story" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 41-44
Music of Don Marsh "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
July 17, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (27:24)
"How To
Answer Tough Questions" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 28-34
Music of The Acappella Singers "All Hair The Power Of Jesus Name"
June 12, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:59)
For Now And The Future" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 26-27 and John 16: 4-15
Music of Contemporary Praise "Our God Is An Awesome God"
June 5, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:43) -
30-Minute (26:54)
Abiding Presence" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 9-17
Music of Greg Nelson "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
May 29, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:59)
Busy To Notice" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 22: 1-14
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"
May 22, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:24)
"In The
Face Of Truth" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 21: 33-46
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Hosanna"
May 1, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (28:52)
The Seeds Belong To Him" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 24-30
Music of Contemporary Praise "Open Our Eyes Lord"
April 24, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:26)
Up The Dirt Again" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 1-9
Music of Contemporary Praise "Jesus Above All Names"
April 3, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:19)
To Your Heart" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 21: 15-17
Music of Whitney Dough "Bring Back The Springtime"
March 27, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (27:57)
Prints, Not Chocolate" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "I Love You With The Love Of The Lord"
February 20, 2022 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:21)
See Sometime" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 51-58
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I Saw The Light"
February 13, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:54)
Has A Center" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 35, 41-51
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
February 6, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:04)
Almost Too Late" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of A Praise Song "We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise"
January 30, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (28:37)
Weight Of Faith Is Not Heavy" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 23: 1-12
Music of Frank Boggs "In God We Trust"
January 23, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:40)
Almost Too Late" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of A Praise Song "We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise"
January 16, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (29:14)
Weight Of Faith Is Not Heavy" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 23: 1-12
Music of Frank Boggs "In God We Trust"
January 9, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:20)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "Yes Lord Yes"
January 2, 2022 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:55)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
December 26, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (27:18)
Is Not A Season" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 13-15
Music of A Lovely Christmas Carol "Carol Of The Bells"
December 19, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:03)
"It Was
For The Whole World" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 3: 1-6
Music of The Gaither Children's Choir "Jesus Gives Me A Song"
December 12, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:30)
There Anything Better" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
December 5, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:57)
Purpose Of The Law" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 13: 10-17
Music of Contemporary Praise "Thy Loving Kindness"
November 28, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:24) -
30-Minute (28:07)
There Anything Better" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 14: 1, 7-14
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
November 21, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:34) -
30-Minute (27:33)
Purpose Of The Law" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 13: 10-17
Music of Contemporary Praise "Thy Loving Kindness"
October 31, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:45)
Answer Too Quickly" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 8: 27-37
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "People Need The Lord"
October 24, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:51)
Easy To Miss The Point" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 7: 24-37
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Yes, Lord, Yes"
October 17, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:23)
To Be Rich, And Know The Difference" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 12: 13-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
October 10, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (29:42)
Give Up" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 11: 1-13
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Shine Jesus Shine"
October 3, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:16)
Matters Most" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 10: 17-22
Music of Joyful Praise "He Who Began A Good Work In You"
September 26, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (28:13)
"Do Not
Hinder Them" by Reverend John Wolfe
10: 13-16
of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I've Been Changed"
September 5, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:22) -
30-Minute (28:03)
Can't Put It Into A Trunk" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 38-42
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lead Me Lord"
August 29,
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (27:51)
"Who Is
My Neighbor?" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 25-37
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
August 22, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (27:42)
The Power Of Pain" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 26-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "I Will Lift Up My Hands Unto Thy Name"
August 15,
15-Minute (14:17) -
30-Minute (27:57)
Love Responds" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 1-3
Music of Contemporary Praise "Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So"
July 25, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:37) -
30-Minute (27:43)
A Cup Of Cool Water" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "There Is A Redeemer"
July 18,
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:26)
It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I Am Lord"
May 30, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (28:21)
Not To Be Anxious" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 4: 4-7
Music of The Maranatha Singers "Open Our Eyes Lord"
May 23,
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:28)
What Is Past" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 3: 12-14
Music of A Biblical Song Of Praise "Seek Ye First"
May 2, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:36)
The Face Of Truth" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 21: 33-46
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Hosanna"
April 25,
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:42)
Faith Doesn't Grow" by Reverend John Wolfe
Philippians 2: 1-5
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lead Me Lord, I Will Follow"
March 21, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (29:14)
Always Shine In Darkness" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 14-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "All Hail King Jesus"
March 14,
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (29:15)
Sacred Place" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 2: 13-22
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "How Great Thou Art"
February 21, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (28:54)
In The Kingdom" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 5: 1-12
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "So Send I You"
February 14, 2021
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (28:40)
Everyone You Meet" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 12-23
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Shine Jesus Shine"
February 7, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (27:49)
Lepers Squint" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 1:40-45
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Praise The Name Of Jesus"
January 31, 2021
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:50)
To Hear" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 32-39
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
January 24, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:44) -
30-Minute (27:51)
Have A Gift" by Reverend John Wolfe
1 Corinthians 1: 1-9
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God"
January 17, 2021
15-Minute (14:48) -
30-Minute (28:17)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
January 10, 2021 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:18)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "Yes Lord Yes"
January 3, 2021
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (27:25)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
December 27, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:48) -
30-Minute (27:32)
A Throne For A Cross" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 3: 13-17
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
December 20, 2020
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (27:27)
Is Not A Season" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 13-15
Music of A Lovely Christmas Carol "Carol Of The Bells"
December 13, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (28:15)
Almost Too Late" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of A Praise Song "We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise"
December 6, 2020
15-Minute (14:34) -
30-Minute (28:51)
Weight Of Faith Is Not Heavy" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 23: 1-12
Music of Frank Boggs "In God We Trust"
November 29, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:41)
Worth The Price" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 21-26
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Rise Up Oh Men Of God"
November 22, 2020
15-Minute (14:33) -
30-Minute (29:14)
Better For The Team" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 13-20
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "He Who Began A Good Work In
November 1, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (28:12)
Doubt Helps" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 28: 16-20
Music of Contemporary Praise "In My Life Lord Be Glorified"
October 25, 2020
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (27:48)
"One In
The Spirit" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 7: 37-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh How He Loves You And Me"
October 4, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:51) -
30-Minute (28:51)
by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 8: 31-38
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
Septemper 27, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (28:31)
Over At The Beginning" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-15
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "Praise Him, Praise Him"
July 12, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (27:58)
For Now And The Future"
by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 26-27 and John 16: 4-15
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Our God Is An Awesome God"
July 5, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:44) -
30-Minute (26:51)
Abiding Presence" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 9-17
Music of Greg Nelson "This Is The
Day The Lord Has Made"
June 14, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:50)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "Yes Lord Yes"
June 7, 2020
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (29:13)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
May 31, 2020 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:48)
Up The Dirt Again"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 1-9
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Jesus Above All Names"
May 24, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:12)
The Seeds Belong To Him" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 24-30
Music of Contemporary Praise "Open
Our Eyes Lord"
April 19, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:53)
The Road To Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 24: 13-35
Music of Contemporary Praise "I
Will Bless The Lord"
April 12,
2020 -
15-Minute (14:45) -
30-Minute (28:53)
Has Everything To Do With It" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 1-3, 11-18
Music of Don Marsh
"He Is Exalted"
April 5, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:53)
The Wrong Hand" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 15: 10-20
Music of Contemporary Praise "Something
March 29
2020 -
15-Minute (14:54) -
30-Minute (28:53)
and Faith Are Friends" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 22-33
Music of Contemporary Praise
"People Need The Lord"
February 23, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:31) -
30-Minute (28:07)
and Believing" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 25-31
Music of Richard Blanchard
"Everyone Is Precious To The Lord"
February 16,
2020 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (28:16)
Is Great and What Is Little" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 10-13
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Seed Ye First The Kingdom of God"
January 12, 2020 -
15-Minute (14:32) -
30-Minute (28:00)
Always Sounds Good" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Because He Lives"
January 5,
2020 -
15-Minute (14:36) -
30-Minute (29:47)
Up, Don't Be Afraid" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 17: 1-8
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Surely The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place"
December 29, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (28:38)
Story About God" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 1: 18-25
Music of Ralph Carmichael
"Over In Bethlehem"
December 22,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (29:00)
Do You See" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 11: 2-11
Music of A Haven of Rest Quartet
"A Great And Mighty Wonder"
December 1, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:15)
Busy To Notice" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 22: 1-14
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet
"Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise"
November 24,
2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:26)
"In The
Face Of Truth" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 21: 33-46
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
November 17, 2019 -
15-Minute (14;56) -
30-Minute (29:33)
Faith Doesn't Grow" by Reverend John Wolfe
Philippians 2: 1-5
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Lead Me Lord, I Will Follow"
November 10,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:37)
Ground Of Faith Is Level" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 20: 1-16
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So"
September 22, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:06)
Is Big" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 9: 38-41
Music of Don Marsh
"Let's Just Praise The Lord"
September 15,
2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:28)
"How To
Answer Tough Questions" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 28-34
Music of The Accapella Singers
"All Hail The Power of Jesus Name"
August 11, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:44)
In The Kingdom" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 5: 1-12
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Let's Just Praise The Lord"
August 4,
2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:38)
Everyone You Meet" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 12-23
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"I Will Enter His Gates"
July 28, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:58)
Almost Too Late" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of A Praise Song
"We Bring The Sacrifice Of Praise"
July 21,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:44)
Weight Of Faith Is Not Heavy" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 23: 1-12
Music of Frank
"In God We Trust"
July 14, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:58)
Can't Put It Into A Trunk" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 38-42
Music of Contemporary
"Lead Me Lord"
July 7,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:44)
"Who Is
My Neighbor?" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 25-37
Music of Contemporary
"Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
June 30, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:27)
A Cup Of Cool Water" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A
Contemporary Praise Song "There Is
A Redeemer"
June 23,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:19) -
30-Minute (28:08)
It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I Am Lord"
June 16, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:27)
See Sometime" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 51-58
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I Saw The Light"
June 9,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:19) -
30-Minute (28:08)
Has A Center" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 35, 41-51
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day That The Lord Has Made"
June 2, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:27)
The Power Of Pain" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 26-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "I Will Lift Up My Hands Unto Thy Name"
May 26,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:19) -
30-Minute (28:08)
Love Responds" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 1-3
Music of Contemporary Praise "Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So"
May 5, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:19)
To Your Heart" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 21: 15-17
Music of Whitney Dough "Bring Back The Springtime"
April 28,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:04)
Prints, Not Chocolate" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of Don Marsh "I Love You With The Love Of The Lord"
April 21, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:51)
Broken Lives" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 28: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "He Is Exalted"
April 14,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:33)
Answer To Prayer" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 22: 39-46
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh How He Loves You And Me"
April 7, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:53) -
30-Minute (28:44)
In The Kingdom" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 5: 1-12
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "So Send I You"
March 31,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (29:21)
Everyone You Meet" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 12-23
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Shine Jesus Shine"
March 24, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:44)
Leper's Squint" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1:40-45
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Praise The Name Of Jesus"
March 17,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:21)
To Hear" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 32-39
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
February 24, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:54) -
30-Minute (29:59)
Decisions Are The Hardest" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 13-21
Music of Contemporary Praise "How Majestic Is Your Name"
February 17,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:39) -
30-Minute (28:54)
Little Will Do" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 31-33
Music of Contemporary Praise "Our God Is An Awesome God"
February 10, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (29:41)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "Yes Lord Yes"
February 3,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:36) -
30-Minute (28:42)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are Going
To See The King"
January 27, 2019 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:52)
Always Shine In Darkness" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 14-21
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "All Hail King Jesus"
January 20,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (29:54)
Sacred Place" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 2: 13-22
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "How Great Thou Art"
January 13, 2019 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (28:02)
Have A Gift" by Reverend John Wolfe
1 Corinthians 1: 1-9
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of God"
January 6,
2019 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:25)
Chance of a Lifetime" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 1-12
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Emmanuel"
December 30, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:32) -
30-Minute (28:49)
A Throne For A Cross" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 3: 13-17
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
December 23,
2018 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (27:52)
Is Not A Season" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 13-15
Music of A Lovely Christmas Carol "Carol
Of The Bells"
December 2, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:03)
Was For The Whole World" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 3: 1-6
Music of The Gaither Children's Choir "Jesus Gives Me A Song"
November 25,
2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:54)
"It's A
Matter of Relationships" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 21: 34-36
Music of Don Marsh "Soon
And Very Soon We're Are Going to See the King"
November 18, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:08)
Is Important?" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 15: 1-7
Music of Contemporary Praise "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"
November 11,
2018 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (29:04)
Is The Key" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 14: 25-33
Music of Contemporary Praise "Let
There Be Glory"
September 23, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:50) -
30-Minute (29:52)
There Anything Better"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 14: 1, 7-14
of Contemporary Praise "This Is
The Day The Lord Has Made"
September 16, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:06) -
30-Minute (28:17)
Purpose Of The Law" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 13: 10-17
Music of Contemporary Praise "Thy
Loving Kindness"
September 9, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:50) -
30-Minute (28:30)
And Believing"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 25-31
of Richard Blanchard "Everyone Is
Precious To The Lord"
September 2, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:41) -
30-Minute (28:20)
Is Great and What Is Little" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 16: 10-13
Music of Contemporary Praise "Seek
Ye First The Kingdom Of God"
August 12, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (29:32)
Doubt Helps"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 28: 16-20
of Contemporary Praise "In My
Life Lord Be Glorified"
August 5, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:59) -
30-Minute (28:49)
"One In
The Spirit" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 7: 37-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh
How He Loves You And Me"
July 1, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:03)
Not To Be Anxious"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 4: 4-7
Music of The Maranatha Singers
"Open Our Eyes Lord"
June 24, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (29:05)
What Is Past" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 3: 12-14
Music of A Biblical Song Of Praise "Seek
Ye First"
May 20, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:48)
Up The Dirt Again"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 1-9
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Jesus Above All Names"
May 13, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (28:12)
The Seeds Belong To Him" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 24-30
Music of Contemporary Praise "Open
Our Eyes Lord"
May 6, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (29:39)
The Wrong Hand"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 15: 10-20
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Something Beautiful"
April 29, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:58) -
30-Minute (29:33)
and Faith are Friends" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 22-33
Music of Contemporary Praise "People
Need The Lord"
April 22, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:04) -
30-Minute (29:14)
For Now And The Future"
by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 26-27 and John 16: 4-15
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Our God Is An Awesome God"
April 15, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:56) -
30-Minute (27:56)
Abiding Presence" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 15: 9-17
Music of Greg Nelson "This Is The
Day The Lord Has Made"
April 8, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:00) -
30-Minute (28:53)
Prints and Hot Chocolate"
by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of Don Marsh
"Sure The Presence Of The Lord Is In This Place"
April 1, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:51) -
30-Minute (29:18)
Broken Lives" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 28: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "He Is Exalted"
March 25, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:02) -
30-Minute (28:40)
Answer To Prayer"
by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 22: 39-46
Music of Contemporary Praise "Oh
How He Loves You And Me"
March 18, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:47) -
30-Minute (29:17)
In The Kingdom" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 5: 1-12
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
March 11, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:39) -
30-Minute (28:38)
A Cup Of Cool Water"
by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"There Is A Redeemer"
March 4, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:01) -
30-Minute (28:08)
It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I
Am Lord"
February 25, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:22) -
30-Minute (28:38)
by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 8: 31-38
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lord
Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary"
February 18, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (28:08)
Over At The Beginning" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-15
Music of The Haven of Rest Quartet "Praise
Him, Praise Him"
January 28, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:15) -
30-Minute (28:15)
Always Sounds Good" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 4: 1-10
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song
"Because He Lives"
January 21, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:43) -
30-Minute (29:46)
Up, Don't Be Afraid" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 17: 1-8
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Surely The Presence Of The
Lord Is In This Place"
January 14, 2018 -
15-Minute (15:05) -
30-Minute (29:51)
Will Go Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 1: 43-51
Music of The Don Marsh Singers
"Yes, Lord, Yes"
January 7, 2018 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (29:02)
Than A Crown" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 9-11
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Soon And Very Soon, We Are
Going To See The King"
December 3, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (27:51)
A Cup Of Cool Water" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 4: 5-10, 39-42
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "There Is A Redeemer"
November 26, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:43) -
30-Minute (28:57)
It's Hard To Believe" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 3: 1-10, 16, 17
Music of Marijohn Wilkin "Here I
November 5, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (29:19)
Faith Doesn't Grow" by Reverend John Wolfe
Phillipians 2: 1-5
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Lead Me Lord, I Will Follow"
October 29, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:47) -
30-Minute (29:40)
Ground Of Faith Is Level" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 20: 1-16
Music of A Contemporary Praise
Song "Let The Redeemed Of The Lord Say So"
October 22, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:47) -
30-Minute (28:42)
Worth The Price" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 21-26
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Rise
Up Oh Men Of God"
October 15, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (28:38)
Better For The Team" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 16: 13-20
Music of A Contemporary Praise
Song "He Who Began A Good Work In You"
October 8, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:47) -
30-Minute (28:50)
Can't Put It Into A Trunk" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 25: 1-12
Music of Contemporary Praise "Lead
Me Lord, I Will Follow"
October 1, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:52) -
30-Minute (29:25)
"Who Is
My Neighbor" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 10: 25-37
Music of Contemporary Praise
"Lord Prepare Me To Be A Sanctuary For You"
August 27, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:34) -
30-Minute (29:52)
Decisions Are The Hardest" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 14: 13-21
Music of Contemporary
"How Majestic Is Your Name"
August 20, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:26) -
30-Minute (29:02)
Little Will Do" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 13: 31-33
Music of Contemporary Praise "Awesome God"
July 2, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:44) -
30-Minute (28:46)
To Your Heart" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 21: 15-17
Music of Whitney Dough "Bring Back The Springtime"
June 25, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:51) -
30-Minute (28:24)
Prints, Not Chocolate" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 19-31
Music of The Don Marsh Singers "I Love You With The Love Of The Lord"
June 18, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:44) -
30-Minute (28:46)
To Understand The Story" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 41-44
Music of Don Marsh "Let's Just Praise The Lord"
June 11, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:51) -
30-Minute (28:24)
"How To
Answer Tough Questions" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 12: 28-34
Music of The Acappella Singers "All Hair The Power Of Jesus Name"
May 21, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:28) -
30-Minute (28:47)
See Sometime" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 51-58
Music of The Crystal Sea Choristers "I Saw The Light""
May 14, 2017 -
15-Minute (15:01) -
30-Minute (29:20)
Has A Center" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 6: 35, 41-51
Music of Contemporary Praise "This Is The Day The Lord Has Made"
April 23, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:35) -
30-Minute (28:38)
The Road To Anywhere" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 24: 13-35
Music of Contemporary Praise "I Will Bless The Lord And Give Him Glory"
April 16, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:00) -
30-Minute (28:26)
Has Everything To Do With It" by Reverend John Wolfe
John 20: 1-3, 11-18
Music of Don Marsh "He Is Exalted"
March 12, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:50) -
30-Minute (29:13)
The Power Of Pain" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 26-39
Music of Contemporary Praise "Thy Loving Kindness"
March 5, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:55) -
30-Minute (28:56)
Love Responds" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 8: 1-3
Music of Contemporary Praise "Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So"
February 12, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (29:04)
Lepers Squint" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 1:40-45
Music of A Contemporary Praise Song "Praise The Name Of Jesus"
February 5, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:36) -
30-Minute (29:19)
To Hear" by Reverend John Wolfe
Mark 1: 32-39
Music of The Glenn Draper Singers "Crown Him With Many Crowns"
January 29, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:42) -
30-Minute (29:07)
"You Have A Gift" by Reverend John Wolfe
1 Corinthians 1: 1-9
Music by A Contemporary Praise Song "Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God"
January 22, 2017 -
15-Minute (14:36) -
30-Minute (29:18)
Chance of a Lifetime" by Reverend John Wolfe
Matthew 2: 1-12
Music by A Contemporary Praise Song "Emmanuel"
December 18, 2016 -
15-Minute (14:57) -
30-Minute (28:27)
Was For The Whole World" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 3: 1-6
Music by The Gaither Children's Choir "Jesus Gives Me A Song"
December 11, 2016 -
15-Minute (14:47) -
30-Minute (29:34)
A Matter Of Relationships" by Reverend John Wolfe
Luke 21: 34-36
Music by Don Marsh "Soon And Very Soon We Are Going to See The King"
October 9, 2016 -
15-Minute (14:31) -
30-Minute (28:19)
Not To Be Anxious" by Reverend John Wolfe
Philippians 4: 4-7
Music by The Maranatha Singers "Open Our Eyes Lord, We Want To See
October 2, 2016 -
15-Minute (14:40) -
30-Minute (28:34)
What Is Past" by Reverend John Wolfe
Philippians 3: 12-14
Music by The Biblical Song of Praise "Seek Ye First"